Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Scientific Truth of Al-Quran (Part 1)

 Al-Quran is a book of instructions, so the results we get from studying the history of the decline. This is also in line with the assertion of Al-Quran: Guidance for people, information about direction and separates the right and vanity. (Sura 2:185).

If so, what is the relation of Al-Quran with science? In this regard, the scholars had a disagreement long it lasts. In his book, Jawahir Al-Quran, Imam Al-Ghazali explained in a special chapter that whole branch of science that previous and later, known or not, all sourced from the Al-Quran Al-Karim. Al-Imam Al-Syathibi (d. 1388 CE), disagreed with Al-Ghazali. In his book, Al-Muwafaqat, he - among others - argued that the companions are certainly more aware of Al-Quran and nothing contained in them, but none of them claim that the Quran includes all branches of science knowledge.
In our opinion, discuss the relationship of Al-Quran and science is not valued in many branches of science are knotted in it, nor to show the truth of scientific theories. But the discussion should be placed in a more appropriate proportion according to the purity and sanctity of Al-Quran and also in accordance with the logic of science itself.

Discussing the relationship between the Qur'an and science is not by looking, for example, is there any discussion of the theory of relativity or outer space; computer science contained in the Koran: but it is more important is to see souls there any verses impede the progress of science or vice versa, and is there a single verse of the Qur'an which is contrary to scientific findings that have been established? In other words, put it on the "social psychology" (social psychology) and not on the "history of scientific progress" (history of science). Suppose that every verse of the 6226 verses contained in the Holy Qur'an (according to calculations by scholars of Kufa) 8 contains a scientific theory, then what are the results? What is the advantage gained by knowing these theories when people were not given "guidance" or guide to the advancement of science or get rid of things that can hinder?
Malik bin Prophet in his book Al-Mustasyriqin Intaj Atsaruhu wa fi al-Fikriy Al-Hadith, wrote: "Science is a set of problems and a set of methods that are used towards the achievement of the matter." 9
Then he explained: "The progress of science is not only limited in these areas, but it depends on the set of conditions that have psychological and social positive and negative effects that could impede the progress of science or push it further."
This shows that the progress of science is not only judged by what was presented to the public, but also measured by its form a climate to encourage the advancement of science.

History proves that Galileo, when it revealed his discovery that the earth is outstanding, do not get counter from a scientific institution. However, the community where he lived even to challenge him on the fundamentals of belief dogma, so Galileo was ultimately a victim or the victim's findings challenge yourself. This is due to the realization yet social conditions and psychological mentioned above. In terms of the relationship that we can assess the Quran with science.
In the Al-Quran verses knotted recommend to use the mind in achieving results. Allah says: Say O Muhammad: "I only recommend him one thing, namely stand for God in twos or be alone-alone, then think." (Qur'an 34:36).
Thus the Quran has established a new climate that can develop the human mind, and get rid of things that can hinder progress.

Reasoning System according to Al-Quran

One of the most important factors that can hinder the development of science there is in man himself. The psychologist explained that the stages of psychological development and the nature of the human mind in assessing the general idea through three phases. The first phase, assess the good and bad of an idea of ​​the size of which has a relationship with the natural material (material) or based on the senses that arise from the primary needs. The second phase, assess the idea on the example given by a person, and or can not be separated from the manifestation in the individual person. He was a good, if a character who does or declare good and bad when it declares ugly. The third phase (phase of maturity), is an assessment of the idea is based on the values ​​contained in the elements of the idea itself, without being influenced by external factors that strengthen or weaken (material and personal).
History shows that in the first period in the development of an Islamic society, a class of the views or assessments of the value of al-Islam al-Quraniyyah fikrah (an idea brought by the Al-Quran), is that these ideas have a very close relationship with the private Prophet. In the battle of Uhud, for example, a group of Muslims hastily left the field of battle when he heard the news of the death of the Prophet., Which was issued by the polytheists. This mistaken attitude born out of their view of the value of a new idea to the second phase, or in other words not yet reached the level of maturity.

The Quran does not want a new society formed with a view or judge any idea coraknya confined to the second phase only, so get off the verses: Muhammad is nothing else but an Apostle. Before he had been there the apostles. What if had he died or you killed the first turn to your religion? Who-who turned a pagan, and he certainly did not harm any of God, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful to him (Sura 3:144).
The verse even in the form of istifham, but - as explained by scholars Interpretation - shows "istifham taubikhi istinkariy" 11 which means the ban puts "al-fikrah Al-Qur'aniyyah" only until the second phase. This verse is an encouragement to the public to further enhance the views and judgments of an idea to a higher level until the third phase or phases of maturity. These verses also release the chains that may impede the progress of science in the realm of reason.
To further emphasize the importance of natural science, the Qur'an gives the questions to them as a test: Ask O Muhammad! Is there the same people who know with those who do not know? (Qur'an 39:9).

This verse emphasizes the public how great scientific value and position of intellectuals in society. Likewise verse, Here ye (O Ahl al-Kitab), ye argue about things that you know, then why argue also in the things that you did not know? (Sura 3:66).
This verse is a scathing critique of those who speak or argue an issue in the absence of more objective data related to scientific issues. The verses of this kind then form a new climate in society and realize the air that can drive scientific progress. New climate is then produced figures such as Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Khaldun, Jabir Ibn Hayyan, and so on. He was the one who helped Muhammad bin Ahmad finding zeros in the year 976, which finally prompted Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khawarizmiy find algebra calculations. Without these inventions, Science Will definitely keep crawling and groping in the dark realm.
Realizing climate science is far more important than finding a scientific theory, because without his form of climate science, scientists who discovered the theory it will suffer the fate of Galileo, who suffered his invention.

Al-Quran as a book of instructions that provide clues to the man for her happiness in this world and in the hereafter in conjunction with science is to encourage people to use the whole reason his mind and increase his knowledge as much as possible. Then also make observations of the universe as a means to believe that any new invention or scientific theory, so that they can find arguments in the Qur'an to justify or denies. Not only because it is not in line with the main objectives of the Qur'an but also not in line with the characteristics of science. To explain this, here we describe some characteristics of science.
======== To Be Continued =======

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